Tempest & Jay

The Inspiration of Beatrice Atkinson

When we discuss indulgence on this blog, we often speak of the little things we don’t need, but that make our lives just a little richer; those guilty pleasures that further our inspiration.

But let’s be realistic. The greatest indulgences are often the ones we need, and are sometimes the ones we most take for granted.

Kindness should always be an indulgence, but it should never be given in little doses. It’s often the power of kindness that inspires a writer to take up that pen and put it to paper. But it’s rare in this world, to find a person who makes kindness their mission and passion in life.

Beatrice Atkinson is just such a person. When I asked her about any indulgences that furthered her inspiration, it all came back to her two children and the wish that they grow up understanding what true kindness is.

Acting on her wish, Beatrice set to work to inspire the youngest minds and the earliest readers with a book that was not only educational, but teaches some of the most important lessons this world finds all too easy to forget.

But she didn’t just stop at writing this book, but furthers the education it provides by working with schools and teachers in her community to try and spread the simple, but powerful message of kindness.

Beatrice’s book, 10 Acts of Kindness was made to help the youngest readers learn that kindness transcends both color and culture and is something all of us can endeavor to do. Her book features children from different backgrounds as they search for 10 ways to show kindness to others.

Isn’t it true though, we all grow up and realize the world isn’t the way it should be. Well, if you are fortunate enough to know Beatrice on social media, her posts are always filled with positive inspiration and the encouragement to be the better person. As one of her latest stories said, “Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.”

This might sound unrealistic. The world is far from kind, and at times, everyone is going to have their bad days. For some, it’s a constant struggle just to have good days. When we grow up, realities often swamp and surround us, leaving us with the tunnel vision and the lack of energy to look for opportunities to show kindness.

That’s why it’s so amazing to have people like Beatrice around. It’s important to get a reminder that tells you to keep going, or alerts you to the opportunities you might be missing.

One of my favorite quotes from Beatrice Atkinson is this:

"The best revenge is to become the person no one thought you were capable of becoming."

Though the world at times makes us feel like we are incapable of such kindness, let’s applaud someone who wants to defy it’s expectations! Let’s give a shout-out to Beatrice Atkinson, a children’s book author, a mother, and someone who helps us remember the best realities.

Are you a parent? Involved in early education? Please take a moment to check out Beatrice’s book. You can find it on Amazon here: https://a.co/d/9MeriSD

Want to support this inspiring author? Follow the link to her social media page: Beatrice Atkinson, Children’s Book Author | Facebook

Don’t forget, show a little kindness today!

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