Tempest & Jay



  • Character Intro!

    Character Intro!

    Gywie A young girl rushes towards the river, her blonde curls bouncing around her impish grin. She can hear the whisper voices. They’re talking about her new friend, the one who went on an adventure. Her blue eyes are captivated with the distant mountain peaks, shimmering white with fresh snow. As snowflakes begin to drift…

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  • A Little Vanilla Bliss

    Okay, so the past few weeks have been rough. Due to WordPress complications, I can’t share the GIPH of Sylvester the cat banging his head into a telephone pole – but you get the idea. Needless to say, the new publisher lives and learns, and the past few weeks have been a steep learning curve.…

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  • Vivid Fantasy

    Vivid Fantasy

    The Amazing Artwork of Racheal Carl Have you ever picked up a book while browsing through a book store, found the blurb compelling, and upon opening it, received the delightful surprise that it had illustrations? That’s when you do a little jig inside, and while you would have bought the book anyway, you walk out…

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